1: Cleanse and dry your skin, keeping it free of any skincare. No creams or serums before you patch.
2: Peel away the outer plastic layer to reveal the adhesive side of each Silicone Patch
3: Ideally wear them overnight, while you sleep for best results or for 1-2 hours as a top-up or quick boost.
4: Peel off each Silicone Patch, rinse with water or our Silicone Patch Cleanser, leave sticky side up to dry and then stick back onto the Storage Sheet till you’re ready to patch again. Bonus: They’re reusable for up to 8-10 times per patch!
Nothing but 100% Medical-Grade Silicone.
Just like the silicone used by doctors and dermatologists to heal wounds and scars, our Silicone Wrinkle Patches keep your skin taut to prevent creasing and crinkling while boosting natural hydration and collagen production.
Wrinkles Schminkles Silicone Patches are safe for all skin types, ages, and life stages—including during pregnancy—making them an easy addition to any skincare routine.
A Clinical Evaluation of 92 women in August 2019 found that our Wrinkle Patches assisted with the following:
Firmer Skin: 90% of women experienced firmer skin
Rehydration: 92.1% of women experienced more hydrated skin
Improved Appearance: 97.8% of women saw an improvement in their appearance
Specific to the Chest Wrinkle Patch:
Wrinkle Reduction: 97.5% of women who used our Chest Wrinkle Patch saw a reduction in chest wrinkles
Specific to the Neck Wrinkle Patch:
Wrinkle Reduction: 81% of women who used our Neck Wrinkle Patch saw a reduction in neck wrinkles and/or neck rings
Read more about our compelling clinical study results here.